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Natural Chelation Detox/Micronized Zeolite

100% Natural Mineral This product is 100% natural earth mineral ZEOLITE.Zeolite buffers the system slight alkalinity by establishing ph levels of 7.35 to 7.45 which is the optimum PH for the body. Zeolite appears to remove toxins from the body in a hierarchical order. It first acts strongly to remove the lead, mercury , cadmium and arsenic. The first phase may take one to four weeks or longer. Zeolite then removes the secondary priority toxins, including pesticides, herbicides, and plastics. Zeolite also appears to increase the rate of glucuronization in the liver, activating phase 2 of the glucuronidese function. This in turn removes, pesticides, herbicides and xenoestrogens from the body, releasing them through the urine and gastrointestinal tract. One of the benefits of binding toxins in this manner is that 100 percent is excreted. Interestingly, it also appears to neutralize the aflatoxin poisons.

The Value of Zeolite

For hundreds of years Zeolite has been used to promote overall health and well-being in humans and animals. The Zeolites that are used in this form, specifically clinoptilolite and chabazite, are created when volcanic ash lands in an inland saline ocean. It takes 35-50 million years to actually produce this amazing mineral. The uniqueness of this mineral is that it has a cage-like structure and it is one of the few negatively charged minerals in nature. These two attributes create a mineral molecule that attracts to it positively charged heavy metals, pesticides, PCB's, Volatile Organic Compounds, allergens and pre-viral components and gently removes them from the body through urine excretion. Understand that Zeolite does not treat, cure or heal any symptom or condition, it simply and elegantly cleans out toxins in the body and buffers the pH so that the body can heal itself as mother nature intended. The body was designed to do this on it's own quite efficiently, but with the constant amount of toxins in our world today, the body becomes over-burdened and can longer fend off these toxins and the result is chronic disease. Please note that there are different forms of Zeolite and not all Zeolite is for human consumption. We have studied Zeolite for the past 10 years and have seen the difference between pure Zeolite and other forms of Zeolite.

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